Hey Christians, if I were bold enough, I’d ask us this. [part 1]

1. Do we realize Christianity is the most INclusive “religion” in the world? Jesus loves everyone. Even that socially awkward person. Even that professor. God said specifically the government and especially those who are poor. Why don’t we reflect this in our speech and action?

2. Hate is not the opposite of love. Apathy is. We should hate things; the deepest love will lead to hating whatever prevents love toward that thing in which we love.  Jesus hates a lot of things. What are things we should hate more?

3. Jesus is powerful. Why don’t we talk to him like he really is?

4. Jesus is real. Jesus is alive. We should let him directly influence decisions we make instead of giving him a “oh yeah I’m a Christian…” prayer every meal (well… only pray when we’re around other Christians right? Cause let’s be honest, we don’t need thank Jesus when we’re alone right? Or else we’d be doing that a lot more… Maybe this is just a personal struggle. Yeah, my prayer life is sporadic!)

5. “Church” is “rescued people”. The place we go to on Sundays is a building, with the church meeting there inside of the building. Please stop confusing these two very different things. Church is not a building.

6. Just because we say we’re “Christian” doesn’t mean we are. The Bible encourages us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Look at how you live you’re life… do you really see any fruit? Are you sure of your salvation? Know that it is God who works inside of you!

Often it seems, I’m not bold enough yet to actually speak truth to people and rebuke them like Jesus and the early disciples did. So I just write stuff down here, open it to the public and to you… and I hope you would consider the words – just as I do – cause I believe we need these words. We need reminders. We need rebuke. We need mutual exhortation.

Parts 2 and 3 will be posted over the next few days. You can subscribe by email or RSS feed using the link on the right.